CHAZAK V’AMATZ ISSUE 17 A compilation of inspirational stories from this war, incredible miracles, chessed, Shabbos stories… plus thoughts on our spiritual growth…and YOUR impact, too!
Compiled by Tamar Ansh
Special ALERT!
The Deputy Commander of the Givati Brigade (main combat unit in the Gaza area), literally crying, begged to convey to us, the chareidi tzibbur, that we’re not awake enough to the war situation in Gaza and that the fighting is very difficult and dangerous. This is the Hebrew message he sent out.
The terrible situation is that soldiers are being killed each and every night.
He emphasized that the main fighting at night starts from 11PM Israel time and continues until the morning, but the hardest hours are 2-5 AM. He brings his soldiers further and further inward to fight, but he doesn’t feel like he has enough support from the יראים ושלמים staying up at night to daven and say Tehillim for the soldiers.
He requested that the chareidim take responsibility for organizing minyanim to say Tehillim, especially during those hours. So several amazing women did exactly that. There’s more than one of these going around – so whichever one you sign up for – it’s good – there are so many people that want to help that we have a lot of things to sign up for! The main point is to do at least one of them! This spreadsheet has 15 minute time slots for both Tehillim and Limud Torah (people learning Torah), there are two separate tabs. Please take down this link and spread it further. It’s for women and also the men.
Our soldiers on the front:
Here’s a clip of soldiers, before going to battle, being mekabel on themselves (accepting on themselves the yoke of Heaven – what we all do at the end of Yom Kippur and during selichos prayers) Ol Malchus Shomayaim, see it here
Our prophecies, straight from the Tanach, about Moshiach:
A short explanation of what will take place right before Moshiach comes. With how the nations of the world will start up with each other. Each and everything that was written thousands of years ago, this young Rav is teaching how it’s taking place before our very eyes! It’s in Hebrew but easy Hebrew, see it here. He goes through the prophecy stating each step what will happen with the nations before our Geula comes.
My rough translation:
“Rebbi Yitzchak says: the year that the Geula will arrive, the nations of the world will start up with each other. All the nations will fight with each other – we see it – Ukraine, Russia, now China. Melech Paras – Iran – will start up with Melech Aravia – the Arab nations – do we not see this now?? This was written thousands of years ago. Then, Melech Aravia, will go for advice to Melech Edom – the United States of today, and Melech Paras / Iran , will go against them and start war. Yes, it’s scary. But hear the end of the prophecy because that is what is important for us. Yes, there will be strife and pressure in the world. And they will fight. But then… Hashem says – to us , My children! Do not fear! Everything I did, I did only for you! From what are you afraid! Do not fear! The time has come for your Redemption!”
My brothers! Do not fear! Hashem Himself is telling us- the time of our Redemption is coming!”
Their Shabbos table!
This was sent around and around so I’m sure a lot of you saw it already. A home that had a direct hit from a missile… you can see all the shattered glass, ruined room, etc … but the room that they have Shabbos in, with the fully set table, did not have one thing ruined in it! You can see it for yourself here
Being Jewish today
Why do they hate us so? A short excerpt from Rabbi YY Jacobson here. “This happened at North Carolina University…”
And if you think I’m done, think again. Hashem is not letting me off the hook. And here I thought I had “all this time” today. I even had a short email exchange with a client (be’H!) who wants me to write a book about his father… Time? Books? Yes I hope I get to do that too, but in the meantime, Hashem wants me to write this out for you instead! Here goes more. Make sure you are sitting when you see the next ones because I think this tops all the others.
This is an INCREDIBLE video story of someone who heard this story from 3 friends of the soldier who it happened to. He then called the soldier himself to confirm:
He says that he went together with some other people this week to give chizuk to some soldiers, pray with them, and see how they are doing. Three soliders were standing there and told them this story about their friend, Amiram. And to just hear this story is something that gave them enormous chizuk.
Amiram, who is injured and in Sitora hospital right now, shared that he was part of the initial response, and was in the area of the massacre…and he was shot and died. A full clinical death. He went up to shamayim, (Heaven) and he says he was taken to a massive beis medrash (Torah study hall). There he was shown and told: you hear this “Kol Torah” (voice of people learning Torah?) These avrechim (avreichim are men who sit and learn Torah) are fighting for you to live!
The avrecihim won. This soldier was able to come back down to us and live again!This soldier told his secular friends – it’s the avreichim, the men learning – whether they know it or not – that are fighting for our lives. They are behind us and their Torah is protecting us!
The man speaking is in his Kollel learning and he exhorts everyone watching to realize how important our Torah learning is, and he is strengthening the men to learn more, learn harder, take on extra hours, our soldiers need this from us!
The narrator finished off by saying: And to know and understand, this war is not a war about just the Hamas and Arabs…it’s a war about our very existence, our Torah. We have to strengthen our Torah learning (men) and keep on praying that every chayal, every soldier should come home to their mothers, their wives, their children and babies, every one of them should come back whole and healthy, with not even one hair on their heads being injured in any way, may Hashem protect us all…”
I have to say, ladies, I heard this one just a short while ago and although I do believe in Hashem’s miracles, this one I needed to hear it straight. And then my friend Chana Greenstein sent me the full clip of the man who interviewed this soldier himself, he went to visit him and he also spoke to him on the phone. SEE IT HERE.
I’m hyperventilating. Are you?
Okay , deep breaths, deep breaths.
Much, much more in our next installment. I couldn’t go further right now. This was a lot for one night…
Thank you for all your continued encouragement.
May Hashem protect us all,
All the best
Tamar Ansh